Media News about the Asymmetric Geospace

On January 24th, 2019, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) issued a press release highlighting a major breakthrough in the understanding of the asymmetric geospace by researchers at the Birkeland Centre for Space Science (BCSS). This was followed by a press release by the University of Bergen (UiB), as well as an article on the BCSS home page.

This new understanding of our near-Earth neighborhood has generated lots of media attention throughout the world, see e.g. this recent one from the New York Times.

Below follow a list of media news about the asymmetric geospace findings by BCSS researchers:

(117) International Business Times: NASA Shares Stunning Image Of Massive ‘Dragon’ Aurora Over Iceland’s Night Sky (20 Feb)

(116) The Smoking Earth: Scientists finally explain why the Northern and Southern lights differ? (20 Feb)

(115) 南极与北极的极光为何有所不同?科学家终于找到了答案 (19 Feb)

(114) NewsBeezer: Why are the northern and southern lights different? (18 Feb)

(113) EGU Blogs: New insights to the north-south asymmetries of auroral features (14 Feb)

(112) Popular Mechanics: When the Sun’s Magnetic Field Squashes the Earth’s Magnetic Field, Beautiful Things Happen (14 Feb)

(111) Independent: Science Roundup: From a bird that is half male and half female to asymmetric dancing lights (14 Feb)

(110) Yahoo: When the Sun’s Magnetic Field Squashes the Earth’s Magnetic Field, Beautiful Things Happen (14 Feb)

(109) Scientific American: Why Do the Northern and Southern Lights Differ? (13 Feb)

(108) KBS: Знайдена різниця між північним і південним полярними сяйвами (9 Feb)

(107) New York Times: The Northern and Southern Lights Are Asymmetric Dancers in the Dark (6 Feb)

(106) Pulse: The Northern and Southern Lights are asymmetric dancers in the dark  (6 Feb)

(105) BBC Trending News: The Northern and Southern Lights Are Asymmetric Dancers in the Dark (6 Feb)

(104) Nature Asia: Earth’s aurora: north–south asymmetry (6 Feb)

(103) Social People MagazineThe Northern and Southern Lights Are Asymmetric Dancers in the Dark (6 Feb)

(102) WSTale: The Northern and Southern Lights Are Asymmetric Dancers in the Dark (6 Feb)

(101) For Your Society: Trilobites: The Northern and Southern Lights Are Asymmetric Dancers in the Dark (6 Feb)

(100) Your Scientist: Study presents surprising explanation for differences in Southern and Northern Lights | Know Your Scientist (6 Feb)

(99) Study presents surprising explanation for differences in Southern and Northern Lights (4 Feb)

(98) Pusula: Auroralar, Kuzeyde ve Güneyde Neden Farklı Görünüyorlar? (3 Feb)

(97) Scientists Solve the Mystery of Why the Northern and Southern Lights Don’t Match (2 Feb)

(96) SonDakika: Kutup Işıkları, Kuzeyde ve Güneyde Neden Farklı Görünüyorlar?  (2 Feb)

(95) Fredzone: On sait enfin pourquoi toutes les aurores boréales ne sont pas pareilles (2 Feb)

(94) Astronomy: Scientists just cleared up a mystery about aurorae (1 Feb)

(93) ScienceMAG: Top stories: hunting for new elements, asymmetrical aurorae, and the Mars rover’s last gasp (1 Feb)

(92) Newnationnews: Why the northern and southern lights don’t always look identical (1 Feb)

(91) Ultimas-curisodades: Desvendado o mistério das auroras diferentes nos dois hemisférios (1 Feb) 

(90) MSAU: Найдена причина различий между северным и южным полярными сияниями (1 Feb)

(89) Kepuchina: 为什么南北极的极光不一样 (1 Feb)

(88) 为什么南北极的极光不一样 (1 Feb)

(87) UniversoElectrico: Diferencias entre las auroras boreales y australes (1 Feb)

(86) Bizsiziz: Kuzey Işıkları ile Güney Işıkları Arasındaki Farkın Nedenleri Araştırılıyor (1 Feb)

(85) Why the northern and southern lights don’t always look identical (1 Febr)

(84) 为什么南北极的极光不一样?或与地球磁尾不对称性有关 (1 Feb)

(83) Discover: Scientists Just Cleared Up A Mystery About Auroras (31 Jan)

(82) PBS: “Why the northern and southern lights don’t always look identical” (31 Jan)

(81) Montefallchi: Ecco perché le aurore polari sono asimmetriche. “Dipende dal vento solare” (31 Jan)

(80) Bilimfili: Kuzey Işıkları ile Güney Işıkları Arasındaki Farkın Nedenleri Araştırılıyor (31 Jan)

(79) Why the Northern and Southern Lights Look Different ” (31 Jan)

(78) The twisted magnetism of the sun can create extravagant auroras (31 Jan)

(77) Researchers finally reveal the reasons for differences in the display of Aurora at the North Pole and the South Pole (31 Jan)

(76) Peneliti Akhirnya Ungkap Alasan Perbedaan Tampilan Aurora di Kutub Utara dan Kutub Selatan (31 Jan)

(75) Sun’s Twisted Magnetism Can Create Wonky Auroras (31 Jan)

(74) Line Today: Ilmuwan Temukan Alasan di Balik Perbedaan Tampilan Aurora di Kutub Utara dan Kutub Selatan (31 Jan)

(73) Republica: Ecco perché le aurore polari sono asimmetriche. “Dipende dal vento solare” (31 Jan)

(72) Libero: Una spiegazione per l’asimmetria delle aurore polari (30 Jan)

(71) SystemUnKnown: Scientists Solve the Mystery of Why the Northern and Southern Lights Don’t Match (30 Jan)

(70) CodigoOculto: Resuelven el misterio de por qué las luces del norte y del sur no coinciden (30 Jan

(69) Blue Planet Heart: Ecco perchè le aurore boleari sono asimmetriche (30 Jan)

(68) How Stuff Works: “Sun’s Twisted Magnetism Can Create Wonky Auroras” (30 Jan)

(67) MSN: “Why the Northern and Southern Lights Look Different” (30 Jan)

(66) Le Sciencze: “Una spiegazione per l’asimmetria delle aurore polari” (30 Jan)

(65) “Sun’s Twisted Magnetism can create Wonky Auroras” (30 Jan)

(64) Brights: “Here’s Why Auroras on Earth Are Different in the North and South” (30 Jan)

(63) Travel & Leisure: “Why the Northern and Southern Lights Look Different” (30 Jan)

(62) “What is the difference between north and south light?” (30 Jan)

(61) Exame Informatica: Desvendado o mistério das auroras diferentes nos dois hemisférios (30 Jan)

(60) Losporque: ¿Por qué son diferentes las auroras del norte y del sur? (30 Jan)

(59) Pereplet: Найдена причина различий между северными и южными полярными сияниями (29 Jan)

(58) The Earth Chronicles of Life: “Why the northern lights do not look like the southern” (29 Jan)

(57) TechHub: “The northern and southern lights are different. Here’s why” (29 Jan)

(56) Elexonic: “Why Are the Northern and Southern Lights Different?“‘ (29 Jan)

(55) 15 Minute News: “Why Are the Northern and Southern Lights Different?” (29 Jan)

(54) Naaju: “Why is Nordic polar radiation different from the southern one?” (29 Jan)

(53) Motherboard: “Scientists Solve the Mystery of Why the Northern and Southern Lights Don’t Match” (29 Jan)

(52) University of Bergen: New Study at UiB presents surprising explanation for differences in southern and northern lights (28 Jan)

(51) The Stand: “兩極極光不對稱 由太陽、地球磁場互動所致” (28 Jan)

(50) World Weekly News: “Right here’s Why Auroras on Earth Are Utterly different in the North and South” (28 Jan)

(49) AstroNews: “Найдена причина различий между северным и южным полярными” (28 Jan)

(48) Teenback: “The northern and southern lights are totally different. Right here’s why” (28 Jan)

(47) Richard Dawkins Foundation: “Here’s Why Auroras on Earth Are Different in the North and South” (28 Jan)

(46) Longroom: “Why Are the Northern and Southern Lights Different?” (28 Jan)

(45) B23 (youtube): “Here’s Why Auroras on Earth Are Different in the North and South” (28 Jan)

(44) Qianzhan: 南北两极的极光为何不对称?科学家找到了原因,但与他们设想的完全相反 (28 Jan)

(43) Haberler: Kutup Işıkları, Kuzeyde ve Güneyde Neden Farklı Görünüyorlar? (27 Jan)

(42) Warum Nordlicht und Südlicht nicht immer symmetrisch sind (27 Jan)

(41) Bizsziz: Study presents surprising explanation for differences in Southern and Northern Lights (27 Jan)

(40) AstroWatch: New Study Presents Surprising Explanation for Differences in Southern and Northern Lights (27 Jan)


(38) “Scientists explained the difference between Northern and southern auroras” (27 Jan)

(37) “Here’s Why Auroras on Earth Are Different in the North and South” (27 Jan)

(36) Nachrichten Welt: “Hier ist, warum Auroras auf der Erde im Norden und Süden unterschiedlich sind” (27 Jan)

(35) Daily Times: “Here’s Why Auroras on Earth Are Different in the North and South” (27 Jan)

(34) World News Online: “Glowing Auroras: Scientists Explain The Surprising Difference Between The Northern And Southern Lights” (27 Jan)

(33) “That’s why Aurora on the Earth differs to the north and the south” (27 Jan)

(32) “Why are the auroras on the earth different in the north and the south?” (27 Jan)

(31) Focustech: “Aurora boreale e aurora australe: due fenomeni simili, ma differenti” (27 Jan)

(30) webTekno: “Kutup Işıkları, Kuzeyde ve Güneyde Neden Farklı Görünüyorlar?” (27 Jan)

(29) “Here is why auroras on Earth are different in the north and south” (27 Jan)

(28) Azvision: “Why are the northern and southern lights different?” (27 Jan)

(27) “Scientists explained the difference between Northern and southern auroras ” (27 Jan)

(26) “Scientists explained the difference between Northern and southern auroras” (27 Jan)

(25) Inquisitr: “Glowing Auroras: Scientists Explain The Surprising Difference Between The Northern And Southern Lights” (27 Jan)

(24) Infosurhoy: “Science: Research presents stunning rationalization for variations in Southern and Northern Lights” (27 Jan)

(23) Newsbeezer: “Here’s why Auroras on Earth are different in the north and south” (27 Jan)

(22) “Here’s Why Auroras on Earth Are Different in the North and South” (27 Jan)

(21) Hayka OFFNews: “Защо се различават полярните сияния на двата полюса (видео)” (27 Jan)

(20) PrimeTime: “The northern and southern lights are different. Here’s why” (26 Jan)

(19) NRK: “Har funnet ut hvorfor nordlys og sørlys er forskjellig” (25 Jan)

(18) “Study presents surprising explanation for differences in Southern and Northern Lights” (25 Jan)

(17) Space Daily: “Surprising Explanation for Differences in Southern and Northern Lights” (25 Jan)

(16) ScienceMAG: “The northern and southern lights are different. Here’s why.” (25 Jan)

(15) Science Bulletin: “Study presents surprising explanation for differences in Southern and Northern Lights” (25 Jan)

(14) Scimex: “Why do the aurora lights in the north and south pole look different?” (25 Jan)

(13) TodayChan: “Research presents shocking rationalization for variations in Southern and Northern Lights” (25 Jan)

(12) Scientias: “Ze kunnen zelfs totaal andere vormen hebben en op verschillende plekken in de poolgebieden voorkomen.” (25 Jan)

(11) AgenParl: “The northern and southern lights are different. Here’s why” (25 Jan)

(10) Parallelstate: “Study presents surprising explanation for differences in Southern and Northern Lights” (25 Jan)

(09) LongRoom: “Study presents surprising explanation for differences in Southern and Northern Lights” (25 Jan)

(08) Senaste: “Nordlys og sørlys er ikke like. Norske forskere har funnet ut hvorfor –” (25 Jan)

(07) Borrelronderadio: “Noorder- en zuiderlicht blijken helemaal geen tweelingzusjes te zijn” (25 Jan)

(06) Pythom: “Study presents surprising explanation for differences in Southern and Northern Lights” (25 Jan)

(05) Dagbladet: “Nordlys og sørlys er ikke like. Norske forskere har funnet ut hvorfor” (24 Jan)

(04) Science Codex: “The Northern and Southern Lights are not mirrors of each other – a magnetic tale” (24 Jan)

(03) UiB: “Understanding the asymmetric aurora” (24 Jan)

(02): Press Release UiB: “Har funnet ut hvorfor nordlys og sørlys nesten alltid er forskjellig” (24 Jan)

(01) AGU Press Release: “New study presents surprising explanation for differences in southern and northern lights” (24 Jan)